KAPSS Credit Institute

Enroll now to gain access to the most anticipated credit counseling business training of the year!


Session 1: Legalities

In this session, we will be discovering the steps it takes to become legalized and registered in your state.

Session 2: Build Your Brand

In this session, we will discuss how to build a brand for your business and create a logo and website to captivate your target audience.

Session 3: Credit Laws

In this session, I will teach you the credit laws and how they can be used to help your clients.

Session 4: Credit Repair Software

In this session, we will discuss the software I use for credit repairs and how to use it.

Session 5: Disputing Claims

In this session, we will discuss the steps and tactics used in disputing your client’s credit.

Session 6: Website

In this session, we will be discussing your website and connecting with professional website developers to create a beautiful website that fits your brand.

Session 7: Additional Streams of Income

In this session, we will be discussing how to acquire additional streams of income to expand your brand and build your empire.

Session 8: Build Your Team

In this session, we will discuss building your team, how to do payroll, and what to look for to help your brand expand.

Session 9: Social Media Marketing

In this session, we will discuss how to build a social media presence for your brand.