You’re making their job easier! They take you as a joke! 

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There are two basic reasons not to file your dispute for credit reporting errors online. Ensure you have proof of the date when you sent the dispute.

Why is the date important?  If you don’t have proof of the date when you sent the dispute, you cannot use this law in your favor. With online disputes, there is no paper trail and you may not receive an email confirmation or any other notice of dispute request.

While the credit reporting agencies may make every attempt to follow through on disputes, it’s easy for one to get LOST in the system. Sometimes, creditors can refuse to verify the requested information, even though they are obligated to do so. 

The second reason not to file a dispute online is because the information isn’t handled in the same way. The Fair Credit Reporting Act was developed to protect the consumer from unfair credit reporting practices. It was revised to include online disputes under Section 611a(8). In this section, it says that the agency may DISREGARD other paragraphs if the information is deleted within three days of notice of dispute.

The paragraphs to be disregarded include the following requirements:

  1. The credit reporting agency doesn’t have to forward the dispute and other information to the creditor.
  2. The credit reporting agency doesn’t have to send you with written results from the investigation of the dispute.
  3. The credit reporting agency doesn’t have to show the method of verification.

Know your credit rights 💙💜💙💜💙💜